Double Your Bitcoin Every 1 Hour Using Our Bitcoin Powerful Machine

Hey my name is Simon I am generating bitcoins since 3 years from the past year i have discovered and developed my own bitcoin mining machine.

You can see my screen shot i have generated over 2598 Bitcoins this year in 2016 its over $2 million dollars For Free.

But it cost me over $35,000 to develop my powerful mining machine 

Here are some of my partners are making good bitcoins every hour
Screen shot date 12/18/2016

Minimum Deposit 0.05
Maximum deposit is 5 bitcoins
If you deposit 0.05 you will receive 0.15 within one hour
If you deposit 0.10 you will receive 0.40 within one hour
If you deposit 0.5 BTC you will receive 2 BTC within one hour
If you deposit 5 BTC you will receive 25 BTC within one hour

Who we are and why i am so excited to share this great opportunity to double or triple your bitcoin every hour

We are located in costa Mesa, Ca United State
we build this powerful machine to help my self make a lot of bitcoins i have made enough bitcoins and still making hundreds of bitcoins every month for free.

Why i wrote this and share this in public because i want to help few people to test my powerful machine for free i only charge 0.01 fee for every user to use my mining machine it doesn't matter how much u you want to double or triple your bitcoin using my machine if your interested deposit bitcoin to this address


Minimum deposit is 0.05 BTC and Max 5 BTC
Once you deposit email me of your deposit screen shot and bitcoin link and wait for 1 hour let my powerful machine double or triple your bitcoin in just one hour.

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